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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Renaissance Man Essay Example For Students
Renaissance Man Essay Florida Institute of Technology Civilizations I Professor Lusty December 15, 2012 Think about the characteristics of a Renaissance Man. Pick a man/lady/calling from the late twentieth (or mid 21st) century even somebody still alive today that you think envelops the soul of the Renaissance perfect, and give 2 explicit regions/perspectives that associate with this perfect. Be as explicit as could be expected under the circumstances. What are the characteristics of a renaissance man? His drawings of an embryo in absolute, the heart and vascular framework, sex organs, and other bone and strong structures, are a portion of the first on human record. One of father Vines last authorized works was a mechanical lion that could walk and open its chest to uncover a bundle of lilies. Leonardo father Vinci was a Florentine craftsman, one of the extraordinary experts of the high renaissance, he was additionally celebrated as a painter, stone carver, modeler, designer, and researcher. His exceptional love for information and exploration was the keynote of the two his creative and logical undertakings. His advancements in the field of painting impacted the course of Italian workmanship for over a century after his passing, and his logical investigations especially in the fields of life systems, optics, and power through pressure foreseen huge numbers of the improvements of present day science. Leonardo was conceived on April 15, 1452, in the little Tuscan town of Vinci, close to Florence. He was the child of an affluent Florence public accountant and a worker ladies. In the mid-asses the father Vinci family settled in Florence. In Florence Leonardo was given the best instruction that Florence could offer. He was a fine artist and improviser. In around 1466 he was apprenticed as a garbanzo (studio kid) to Andrea del Veronica, the main Florentine painter and stone worker of his day. In Veronicas workshop Leonardo was acquainted with numerous exercises, from the artistic creation of altarpieces and board pictures to the production of huge sculptural activities in marble and bronze. In the year 1472 he was entered in the painters guide of Florence, and in 1476 he was still referenced as Veronicas right hand. In Veronicas Baptism of Christ, the stooping blessed messenger at the left of the artistic creation is by Leonardo father Vinci. In the year 1478 Leonardo turned into an autonomous ace. His first huge canvas the Adoration of the Magi, left incomplete, was requested in 1481 for the Monastery of San Donation a Scope, Florence. Different works credited to his childhood are the purported Bennie Madonna, the representation Gingers De Bench and the incomplete Saint Jerome. In around 1482 father Vinci entered the administration of the duke of Milan. Having composed the duke a shocking letter where he expressed that he could fabricate compact extensions; that he knew the methods of developing bombardments and of making guns; that he could construct sends just as shielded vehicles, slings, and other war machines; ND that he could execute design in marble, bronze, and mud. He filled in as chief specialist in the dukes various military ventures and was dynamic as a designer. Proof shows that father Vinci had understudies and students in Milan, for whom he presumably composed the different messages later went along as treatise on painting. The most significant of his own work of art during the Milan time frame was the Virgin of The last dinner: From 1495 to 1497 he toiled on his magnum opus The Last Supper. Tragically, him testing of the utilization of oil on dry mortar was in fact unsound, and by he asses its bending had started since 1726 endeavors to reestablish have been made yet not exceptionally fruitful; a purposeful reclamation and protection program was started in surrender its turning around some of harm anyway the vast majority of the first surface is no more. .u4cac27d67ba0c4c6eb75cb13a82f66af , .u4cac27d67ba0c4c6eb75cb13a82f66af .postImageUrl , .u4cac27d67ba0c4c6eb75cb13a82f66af .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u4cac27d67ba0c4c6eb75cb13a82f66af , .u4cac27d67ba0c4c6eb75cb13a82f66af:hover , .u4cac27d67ba0c4c6eb75cb13a82f66af:visited , .u4cac27d67ba0c4c6eb75cb13a82f66af:active { border:0!important; } .u4cac27d67ba0c4c6eb75cb13a82f66af .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u4cac27d67ba0c4c6eb75cb13a82f66af { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u4cac27d67ba0c4c6eb75cb13a82f66af:active , .u4cac27d67ba0c4c6eb75cb13a82f66af:hover { darkness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u4cac27d67ba0c4c6eb75cb13a82f66af .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: re lative; } .u4cac27d67ba0c4c6eb75cb13a82f66af .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-improvement: underline; } .u4cac27d67ba0c4c6eb75cb13a82f66af .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u4cac27d67ba0c4c6eb75cb13a82f66af .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-beautification: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4cac27d67ba0c4c6eb75cb13a82f66af:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u4cac27d6 7ba0c4c6eb75cb13a82f66af .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u4cac27d67ba0c4c6eb75cb13a82f66af-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u4cac27d67ba0c4c6eb75cb13a82f66af:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Introduction Renaissance Reformation (Ch. 1)The Mona Lisa: Leonardo father Vines notable canvas, and seemingly the most well known composition on the planet, the Mona Lisa was a secretly dispatched work and was finished at some point between the years 1 505 1507. James dark, a craftsmanship history specialist at Columbia University, once clarified It is the innate otherworldliness of the human animal that Leonardo had the option to in certified to the image that ascents the human figure to a greatness. It has been said that the Mona Lisa had Jaundice, that she was a pregnant ladies that she wasnt a ladies by any means, yet a man in drag. In light of records from an early biographer said that the Mona Lisa is an image of Lisa Giaconda, the genuine spouse off dealer, buts that is a long way from certain. For Leonardo father Vinci anyway the Mona Lisa is always a work in progress, as it was his endeavor at flawlessness. The composition was never was never conveyed to its official since Leonardo kept it with him until an incredible finish. Today the Mona Lisa hangs in the Louver exhibition hall in Paris, France made sure about behind projectile confirmation glass and is viewed as an inestimable national fortune. Craftsman: Ever the stickler, Leonardo went to science in the journey to improve his work of art. His investigation of nature and life structures developed in his amazingly reasonable artistic creations, and his dismemberments of the human body prepared for astoundingly precise figures. He was the principal craftsman to examine the physical extents of men, ladies and youngsters and to utilize these investigations to decide the perfect human figure. Not at all like a significant number of his counterparts Michelangelo for instance he didnt escape and paint outrageously solid bodies, which he alluded to as packs of nuts. All things considered, Leonardo accepted that the craftsman must know the principles of viewpoint, however all the laws of nature. The eye, he accepted, was the ideal instrument for learning these laws, and the craftsman the ideal individual to delineate them. Innovator: Levers and Gears Leonardo perceived that switches and apparatuses, when applied appropriately, could achieve bewildering errands. Apparatuses were at the core of about the entirety of his developments, from the crane to the helicopter to the programmed turnips. Protection contractual worker Like any sane human, Leonardo detested war he called it brutal frenzy yet since Renaissance Italy was continually at war he couldnt keep away from it. He planned various weapons, including rockets, multi-dashed assault rifles, explosives, a submerged breathing gadget, which he wouldn't uncover, saying that men would almost certainly utilize it for abhorrent in war. Researcher Roy Anatomy One can't misrepresent the repulsiveness of Leonardo life structures examines. Dead bodies are as of now entirely terrible, in any event, when refrigerated and salted in formaldehyde, yet Renaissance Italy had no such amenities. Leonardo, in his enthusiasm for information, held weeds frightening vigils with the neighborhood carcasses, and their irritating propensity to rot constrained him to function as fast as could be expected under the circumstances. He depicted it as living during that time hours in the organization of quartered and excoriated bodies dreadful to view, yet as common his interest pushed him ever ahead. Tell-The highlights Alas, even Leonardo succumbed to some fake hypotheses. He was intrigued by the investigation of physiognomy, the study of assessing a people character by their facial highlights. Albeit express codswallop, physiognomy was extremely popular until the start of this century, when researchers at last throwed it unequivocally.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Extra Sensory Perception Free Essays
â€Å"Factually validated reports flourish affirming visionary dreams that have prompted the disclosure of a revelation of missing kid, the area of a lost object of significant worth, or the recuperation of a body. (Stinger 68) Frederic W. H. We will compose a custom paper test on Extra Sensory Perception or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now Myers was a scholar who established the Society for Psychical Research SPUR). The SPUR shaped the Thought-Transference Committee to frame examinations of the individuals who accepted they had ESP.. Reverend Creepy disclosed that he accepted to the Thought - Transference Committee that each of the four of his little girls had the clairvoyance capacity. Every one of his little girls could guess people’s thoughts and playing a game of cards that were removed arbitrarily from the deck. While they were being tried on their capacity, the girls had 382 tests to effectively distinguish the card number and the suit. Out Of those occasions the young ladies recognized 202 of the cards accurately. There was one episode when en of the little girls referenced 1 7 cards straight accurately suits and everything. â€Å"On a few events individual Creepy sisters had the option to effectively name five cards in succession. Barrett said the chances of this event by chance were â€Å"over 142 million to one. †(Killeen 20) The SPUR individuals went additionally went into a greater amount of the unconstrained clairvoyance. Dry. Joseph B. Rhine has numerous examinations including extra tactile observation at Duke University.. Rhine felt that a customary fifty two pack of cards would be progressively hard for card guessers since you would need to decide the shading ( red or dark) , he number and the suit (spade, club, heart or precious stone). The analyses uncommonly made cards known as Keener cards which were started from a therapist known as Karl E. Quicker who Rhine counseled his issue to. These cards were made out of twenty five cards with each card having an image The images on the Keener cards incorporated a cross, a star, wavy lines, a square and a circle. Rhine accepted that the cards were helpful for instance of the Celery sisters who accepted they had extra tangible observation because of the numerous cards that were accurately given. With the Keener card technique the chances cap the subject answers accurately by chance is just 20% since it’s a one of every five possibility of getting the image right. Rhine kept on testing many investigations with these Keener cards with understudy chips in so their outcomes changed. Be that as it may, one understudy grabbed his eye and was very different than the remainder of the understudies. Step by step instructions to refer to Extra Sensory Perception, Papers
Friday, August 21, 2020
Exclusivity Agreements Necessary Precautions Every Business Should Consider
Exclusivity Agreements Necessary Precautions Every Business Should Consider Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Exclusivity Agreements: Necessary Precautions Every Business Should ConsiderUpdated On 22/06/2018Author : Ram kumarTopic : BusinessShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogYou may be an idea away from becoming a successful business owner. If you found a product that satisfies an industry needs or even disrupts one, then you’ve just discovered the secret ingredient from the recipe of succeeding. Having an idea is delightful until you build up the business and comprise the necessary documents. Before contracting any distributors, you should research more about exclusivity contracts and even develop your exclusivity contract template.Exclusivity purchase and distribution contract sets the limits of your commercial relationship with collaborators. They work as precautions you take to protect your business and even increase its image capital. To day we discuss the necessity of exclusivity agreements, what they consist of and what you should pay attention to such documents.What are exclusivity agreements and how do they work?Basically, exclusivity means that your supplier cannot sell products or services to anyone else from your business industry or a niche you target. Exclusivity contracts ensure you that suppliers only provide you with a product you might need. These documents cover the aspect of pieces built especially for your product or gadget and its uniqueness. There are a few formats of such contracts available that help you better learn whether you need and agreements which include non-disclosure clauses, adjust to the specifics of your industry or is brief and straightforward. You should research on specialized websites such as TemplatesAssistant to determine which contract would best fit your activity.Exclusivity agreements can handle business collaborations such as:Product or service distribution, if you’re a m anufacturer in search for stores or chain stores to include your product in their offer.Material or product supply, if you’re looking for a supplier to help you produce a gadget or an item.Non-disclosure agreements, which let you ensure that aspects of your collaboration are not revealed to the public, competition or any other third party.Exclusivity services, which ensure that a job candidate didn’t apply for another position within the past month or so to put the present application at risk.Other business rapports which are particular to your business or industry.Why exclusivity agreement templates matterAside from the limits that an exclusivity agreement puts on both signatories, it is versatile enough to also stand as a legal document if you work with independent contractors, such as bloggers or freelance service providers. In the absence of business to collaborate with, exclusivity agreements ensure a smooth commercial relationship between you and any suppliers.Document tem plates are usually practical because they save you time to research and compile documents, every time you begin a collaboration. They also ensure a smooth and consistent design for your business papers. The exclusivity agreement templates are by themselves research tools that help you determine what aspects your collaboration should cover. You get a glimpse of what scenarios you should outline and the risks your company might face.READSolid Tips for Improving Your Click-Through Rate (CTR)Exclusivity agreements might include non-disclosure sections which protect your business from information leaks or even hacker attacks. You can develop and cover aspects that safeguard your marketing shared campaigns and initiatives which involve your partners. Other said, exclusivity agreements sets differentiates you from other clients your suppliers have. They also ensure you that a company develops a product or piece which only fits your end product and helps you be unique, and avoid risks due t o possible suppliers’ stocks. If your product recipe is unique and disrupting, you protect your brand’s USP (unique selling proposition) and the core of your product.What exclusivity agreements should consist ofAccording to a university study, exclusivity agreements enhance a business’s distribution satisfaction and, therefore, bound the commercial relationship between suppliers and distributors. Such documents increase the efficiency of your activity and also ensures your peace of mind when it comes to collaborations. How to compile such an efficient contract?1. Make sure you know why you need an exclusivity document. Collaborators will first ask you why you want them to sign such a contract. Therefore, carefully study its need and see how important it is for your business.2. Offer before requesting. You request suppliers only to sell you a product. However, the commitment should also have advantages for your partners. Make sure you make a reasonable offer that balances your suppliers responsibilities.3. Include an out clause. Each contract ends at some point. Some of them are canceled before their expiry period. Thats why you will need an out clause that makes the contract invalid if you encounter some scenarios which might alter your company’s activity.4. Include a specific geographical location or niche. Remember that the exclusivity contract should protect you against competition within a particular niche or geographic location. It shouldnt by any means limit your suppliers activity in an area you are not directly interested in. Consider integrating such aspects in the contract also to ease the signature process.5. Payment will be necessary. To make a contract executed as a deed, you will need to make a payment or a guarantee that settles it. There might be legal costs for solicitors who verify the contract or another amount. Make sure you discuss this aspect with your legal expert that confirm the amount.Using an Exclusivity AgreementSuch agreeme nts are beneficial for small businesses which just released their first products. Exclusivity agreement templates come in handy when you plan to construct such a company to protect and increase the efficiency and impact of your products or services.Get the right template and develop documents that boost your business!
Monday, May 25, 2020
Develop a Recruitment Plan For How You Will Hire Someone For Your Dream Job - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1045 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/02/20 Category Career Essay Level High school Tags: My Dream Job Essay Did you like this example? Recruitment process In the recruitment process, an organization needs to develop a strategy which would bring to them well-qualified applicants consisting of past and current veterans who served honorably, to teach history in their high schools. This process will allow them to selectively pick those with the right credentials or requirements to teach. The organization will keep the selection manageable and will provide good job previews (, n.d.). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Develop a Recruitment Plan For How You Will Hire Someone For Your Dream Job" essay for you Create order The organization must also keep in mind that these applicants are looking for their own benefits as well and the organization must provide and address them to achieve their recruitment goals. The goals for recruiting The organization’s number one role is to recruit the best and brightest teachers that our country can provide. There would not be any better candidates than those who served our country by putting their lives on the line to protect our great nation. They can continue serving by teaching our young future minds. The recruitment pool would be successful in hand picking those that meet the immediate requirements without going through an overwhelming and long process. These applicants must not only meet the necessary requirements, but they must have the motivation and interest to teach. The organization must be aware that the candidates have certain goals or benefits that must be met for many of them to join this organization. Eligible teachers would receive a competitive salary, a 401k, paid vacation, sick days and health insurance, just to name a few (Teacher Salary and Benefits, n.d.). Personnel policies Teachers will be expected to follow all course curriculum and dates. Obey all Equal Opportunity policies and regulations of the school. Respect the supervisors, co-workers, and students. Report any violation or cheatings that occur on your watch. Recruitment sources The organization will post all jobs, descriptions, requirements, and benefits on their website and newspapers such as the â€Å"Army Times.†The organization will closely work with military recruits to counsel those who are leaving the military and advise them about the â€Å"Troops to teacher†program. Another source of external recruiting would be the college placement offices and college job fairs. Appointments will be set up with the future candidates and will be notified as to what documents they must have with them at the time of their interview. Establishing the identity of the recruiter The organization will have subject matter experts representing the company with the necessary information and support for those that want to become future history teachers. The organization will provide interviewers in several colleges and military bases throughout the country and abroad (Germany, Korea and Japan). External vs. internal recruiting The organization would either provide recruiter to represent them or hire a third party for this job process. There may be a time when applicants may even ask why they should work with a recruiter of the organization instead of a third party. Therefore, the organizations should know the difference between the external and internal recruiting and their advantages and disadvantages (Internal vs. External Recruitment, 2018). During the external recruiting, the organization looks outside their workforce for prospective employees (Internal vs. External Recruitment, 2018). This type of recruitment helps bring in new employees that may have new ideas, new techniques, creativity and innovations for the company. On the other hand, current employees would feel that they are denied the option to seek work in other departments or even a promotion. The current employees may have the best experience on the job compared to the newly hired, which can have a negative effect the productivity in their company (, n.d.). In an internal recruiting, the organization recruits its own employees within their own workforce (Internal vs. External Recruitment, 2018). As a result, current employees can laterally transfer to other jobs or even seek promotions in higher-level positions. This is very cost-effectively because as current employees move up they will leave lower-level positions to be filled by newly hired candidates at entry level wages. There are two disadvantages to this type of recruitment. New ideas and creativity can become stagnant since the organization is not hiring new employees who may new ideas. Anytime a current employee is promoted, it would leave a job opening with less promotions and transfers (, n.d.). In this recruiting process, the organization is only using external recruiting since they would be seeking veterans to enter the teaching profession. Detail your recruitment method(s) Once the future recruits sign into the organization’s websites and register, an email will be sent to them entailing the organization’s history, mission and the requirements needed to become future high school teachers. The recruits will be given an appointment to meet with an interviewer and a location based on their home address. To keep the process manageable, they will have several interviewers at each location and only up to five to seven interviews per day. Another external recruiting method that the organization might use is the referral method (Internal vs. External Recruitment, 2018). Military recruiters will interview and refer those individuals that may meet the guidelines to become history teachers. Making the process for the organization a lot smoother. Explain realistic job preview This job expects teachers to motivate and engage students through a four-year world history sequence while incorporating social science, politics, research and other pertinent courses. They must be able to create lessons that will help students learn and understand history and how the research for information is conducted. The educator must receive positive academic results through the students ‘work, exams, class participation and by challenging them outside the classroom (i.e. Homework). Teachers should be able to work and train with colleagues and school leaders to receive positive feedback on their job performance and receive support when needed. Legal issues involved in recruiting The organization will not have any legal issues in recruiting unless the future candidates fail a drug test or fail a background check because of false information on their applications. Managing the influx of resumes The organization will not have a problem with the management of an influx of resumes because they will not be accepted on the website. Since our candidates are from military background, the organization will have guidelines as to each job description of all military jobs.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Essay on Neoclassical Art Period vs Romanticism Art Period
Neoclassical Art Period Romanticism Art Period RIWT Task 1 Swinford, Beth 8/23/2012 Neoclassical Art Period The Neoclassical art period overlapped with the 18th century Age of Enlightenment and continued into the early 19th century. Neoclassicism left almost no feature of visual culture untouched. This was regardless of the realistic and hypothetical connections to the classical tradition of Western art. Neoclassicism was viewed as a revolutionary denial of the selfindulgence of the baroque. Neoclassicism’s formal stylistic characteristics had a tendency to copy ancient Greco-Roman art with a prominence on poise, self-control, and grandeur of†¦show more content†¦Artists were known to take public stands, or wrote works with socially or politically influenced subject matter (Melani, 2009). A major Romantic subject was the distinction between artist and middle-class that were regarded as being indifferent to artistic and intellectual achievements and values. Relationship between the Neoclassical and Romanticism Art Period The clean and straight lines of the neoclassical style provided a passive palette, chiseled forms, low depth of background and excellent plans or designs. Neoclassical artists strived for the best with meticulously drawn line as well as superbly premeditated plans. They were considered to be a higher-class compared to Romanticisms luring of vivid color and high contrasts. Neoclassical thinking was that better to be solicitous and cautious than to rouse the emotions. Romanticism was quite the opposite by accentuating the emotion, the individual, the illogical, the imaginative, the spontaneous, and even the creative thinking and supernatural in art (Irwin). Romantic artist wanted to define their agendas through logical distinction from the rules of Neoclassicism. The 1800 Preface to Lyrical Ballads, the crucial studies of the Schlegel brothers in Germany, the later statements of Victor Hugo in France, and of Hawthorne, Poe, and Whitman in the United States--they self-consciously declar ed their variances from the previous age declaring freedom from the mechanical rules (Melani, 2009). Two majorShow MoreRelatedEssay on Renaissance vs Neoclassicism1295 Words  | 6 PagesTrefren, D Renaissance VS Neoclassicism How could two periods such as the Neoclassicism and the Renaissance be so successful and be focused on very different things? Neoclassicism and the Renaissance are two major periods in the history of art during which different forms of art including architecture, painting, music and visual arts, significantly advanced. It was during these periods, different artists became very famous as a result of the masterpieces reflecting how the ideologies and artisticRead MoreNeoclassicism Vs. Modernism Essay1174 Words  | 5 Pageswhile neoclassicism may be defined as â€Å"A movement of style in the works of certain 20th-century composers, who, particularly during the period between the two world wars, revived the balanced forms and clearly perceptible thematic processes of earlier styles to replace what were, to them, the increasingly exaggerated gestures and formlessness of late Romanticism†2 By not only comparing his works to others but within his own body of work the two movemen ts can be better distinguished. Stravinsky composedRead MoreRomanticism versus Neoclassicism2775 Words  | 12 PagesNeoclassical and Romantic movements cover the period of 1750 to 1850. Neoclassicism showed life to be more rational than it really was. The Romantics favoured an interest in nature, picturesque, violent, sublime. Unlike Neo_classicism, which stood for the order, reason, tradition, society, intellect and formal diction, Romanticism allowed people to get away from the constrained rational views of life and concentrate on an emotional and sentimental side of humanity. In this movement the emphasis wasRead MoreThe Eighteenth Century : Age Of Enlightenment2647 Words  | 11 Pages-Did romanticism focus on how human emotion aids or depreciates the value of reason and rational thought? Woman’s Question in Enlightenment: -How did men respond to women’s roles in thinking and creating ideas? Social Environment of Philosophes: -Where these meetings in secret or open to anyone? Culture and Society Enlightenment: Innovations in Art, Music, and Literature: The Development of Music: -Was music not a predominate part of the Baroque period before
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Samuel Colton Invented The First Rotating Barrel Revolver
Samuel Colton invented the first rotating barrel revolver, later called Peacemaker, in 1835. He then started mass-producing it and supplying it to the armed forces as well as the common people, who benefited greatly from its reliability, portability and quick firing rate. This gun was the one used by the legendary cowboys and was the one with which they gained enormous amounts of glory. Ever since then, the Peacemaker has shaped American history in numerous ways and came to embody all the values like individualism, freedom and power that America stood for. The Colt revolvers, later called the Peacemakers, that were invented in the 19th century shaped American history not only by giving the U.S. armed forces and the Union army the upper hand and the power to subdue their enemies in monumental battles, but also by instilling in the people a strong sense of individualism and the mentality of the manifest destiny. To begin with, before the 1830s, the only guns that were available to the public and the military were the muskets and rifles, and primitive pistols. The muskets and rifles were very large in size, took a long amount of time to reload and were difficult to aim. Even though they might have been effective when used in large numbers at the frontline of the battlefields due to the heavy concentration of bullets they produced and since great accuracy was not required, they were not as practical or useful to the general public as their slow reload time and difficulty to
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Life Lesson From A Tragic Occurrence The Departure of an Adroit Soul free essay sample
Everyone has been influenced by someone in their life. Whether it be a family member or a celebrity, someone has changed each of us in a way that molds us into who we are today. Saying that my influence has merely shaped me is a massive understatement. The way that Josh Waldron affected me doesn’t just define who I am today; it defines who I intend to be for the rest of my life. When I met Josh in our freshman year of high school, I would have never guessed that this kind, shy boy would be so important to me, but the day he died, I began to understand. It was competition day for me. A breezy January morning, the frosty air nipping at my uncovered cheeks as I headed up to Sugarloaf. Through all the excitement, I had a dark feeling deep in the pit of my stomach; my intuition knew that something bad was going to happen. We will write a custom essay sample on Life Lesson From A Tragic Occurrence: The Departure of an Adroit Soul or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Without being able to put a finger on it I chalked it up to nerves and shoved the thoughts into the back of my mind, I needed to focus. I bundled up, put on my snowboard and headed out on the hill. As the afternoon approached, it was time to go home. With a first place medal around my neck I had nothing to complain about until I received a phone call. Josh was dead. He died in a skiing accident that very day, just two trails to the left of where I had been. The cold air became thinner, my heart too heavy for my weakening knees, and before I would catch myself, a near by snowbank broke my fall. Gasping between sobs and my goggles fogging wildly, I didn’t know what to make of this tragic event. Seeping through the thick daze that clouded my mind came a thought; Josh would not approve of such sadness. Josh didn’t just do, he excelled. Anything he put his mind to he could accomplish. From playing the banjo, to competitive freestyle skiing, to his academics, Josh surpassed his peers with sophistication and modesty. He was calm tempered, considerate, and put others needs before his own. There was not a negative bone in his entire body, and his passion for life was undeniable. It’s safe to say that Josh Waldron, was unlike any other. Living life to the absolute fullest, with determination, and a good attitude, is a foundation for both happiness and success. Not a day goes by when I do not think about Josh Waldron, which just goes to show the impact he has had on me. He was not just an influence, but an inspiration, and I will strive to follow his example until the day I die.
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